package node
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Package Members
Type Members
- case class AttemptToConnectPeerData(peer: Peer, peerMessageSender: PeerMessageSender)(implicit system: ActorSystem, nodeAppConfig: NodeAppConfig, chainAppConfig: ChainAppConfig) extends PeerData with Product with Serializable
A peer we are just discovering on the p2p network for future connections we do not want to be persistently connected to this peer, just see if we can connect to it and exchange version/verack messages
- sealed trait FilterOrFilterHeaderSync extends SyncNodeState
Either we are syncing NodeState.FilterHeaderSync or NodeState.FilterSync
- case class NeutrinoNode(walletCreationTimeOpt: Option[Instant], nodeConfig: NodeAppConfig, chainConfig: ChainAppConfig, actorSystem: ActorSystem, paramPeers: Vector[Peer]) extends Node with SourceQueue[NodeStreamMessage] with Product with Serializable
- trait Node extends NodeApi with ChainQueryApi with StartStopAsync[Node] with P2PLogger
This a base trait for various kinds of nodes.
This a base trait for various kinds of nodes. It contains house keeping methods required for all nodes.
- trait NodeCallbacks extends ModuleCallbacks[NodeCallbacks] with NodeApiCallbacks with BitcoinSLogger
Callbacks for responding to events in the node.
Callbacks for responding to events in the node. The appropriate callback is executed whenever the node receives a
message matching it. - sealed trait NodeRunningState extends NodeState
Means our node has been started and is running
- sealed abstract class NodeState extends AnyRef
- sealed abstract class NodeStreamMessage extends AnyRef
- trait OnBlockHeadersReceived extends Callback[Vector[BlockHeader]]
Callback for handling a received block header
- trait OnCompactFiltersReceived extends Callback[Vector[(DoubleSha256DigestBE, GolombFilter)]]
Callback for handling a received compact block filter
- trait OnMerkleBlockReceived extends Callback2[MerkleBlock, Vector[Transaction]]
Callback for handling a received Merkle block with its corresponding TXs
- trait OnTxReceived extends Callback[Transaction]
Callback for handling a received transaction
- sealed trait PeerData extends AnyRef
PeerData contains objects specific to a peer associated together
- case class PeerFinder(peerManagerApi: PeerManagerApi, paramPeers: Vector[Peer], queue: SourceQueue[NodeStreamMessage])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, system: ActorSystem, nodeAppConfig: NodeAppConfig, chainAppConfig: ChainAppConfig) extends StartStopAsync[PeerFinder] with P2PLogger with Product with Serializable
- case class PeerManager(paramPeers: Vector[Peer], walletCreationTimeOpt: Option[Instant], queue: SourceQueue[NodeStreamMessage])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, nodeAppConfig: NodeAppConfig, chainAppConfig: ChainAppConfig) extends StartStopAsync[PeerManager] with PeerManagerApi with P2PLogger with Product with Serializable
- case class PeerOrdering(peerData: PeerData, priority: Int, id: Int) extends Product with Serializable
- case class PeerStack() extends Product with Serializable
- case class PersistentPeerData(peer: Peer, peerMessageSender: PeerMessageSender)(implicit system: ActorSystem, nodeAppConfig: NodeAppConfig, chainAppConfig: ChainAppConfig) extends PeerData with Product with Serializable
A peer we plan on being connected to persistently
- case class ResponseTimeout(payload: NetworkPayload) extends Product with Serializable
- sealed abstract class SyncNodeState extends NodeState with NodeRunningState
State to indicate that we are syncing the blockchain
Value Members
- object NodeCallbacks extends CallbackFactory[NodeCallbacks]
- object NodeState
- object NodeStreamMessage
- object PeerManager extends BitcoinSLogger with Serializable