
package node

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait ChannelTypeFeature extends PermanentChannelFeature

    Permanent channel feature negotiated in the channel type.

    Permanent channel feature negotiated in the channel type. Those features take precedence over permanent channel features negotiated in init messages. For example, if the channel type is option_static_remotekey, then even if the option_anchor_outputs feature is supported by both peers, it won't apply to the channel.

  2. sealed trait Feature extends AnyRef
  3. sealed trait FeatureSupport extends AnyRef
  4. case class Features[T <: Feature](activated: Map[T, FeatureSupport], unknown: Set[UnknownFeature] = Set.empty) extends Product with Serializable
  5. trait InitFeature extends Feature

    Feature that should be advertised in init messages.

  6. trait InvoiceFeature extends Feature

    Feature that should be advertised in invoices.

  7. trait NodeFeature extends Feature

    Feature that should be advertised in node announcements.

  8. case class NodeId(pubKey: ECPublicKey) extends NetworkElement with Product with Serializable

    NodeId is simply a wrapper for ECPublicKey.

    NodeId is simply a wrapper for ECPublicKey. This public key needs to be a 33 byte compressed secp256k1 public key.

  9. case class NodeUri(nodeId: NodeId, host: String, port: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  10. trait PermanentChannelFeature extends InitFeature

    Feature negotiated when opening a channel that will apply for all of the channel's lifetime.

    Feature negotiated when opening a channel that will apply for all of the channel's lifetime. This doesn't include features that can be safely activated/deactivated without impacting the channel's operation such as option_dataloss_protect or option_shutdown_anysegwit.

  11. case class UnknownFeature(bitIndex: Int) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object FeatureSupport
  2. object Features extends Serializable
  3. object NodeId extends Factory[NodeId] with Serializable
  4. object NodeUri extends StringFactory[NodeUri] with Serializable
