package util
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- trait BitcoinSActorFixtureWithDLCWallet extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSActorTest with BitcoinSWalletTest
- trait BitcoinSActorTest extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with Matchers with TestKitBase with BeforeAndAfterAll with ImplicitSender
- trait BitcoinSAsyncFixtureTest extends FixtureAsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSPekkoAsyncTest
A trait that uses AsyncFlatSpec to execute tests This is different than BitcoinSAsyncTest as you can use a fixture with this test suite.
- trait BitcoinSAsyncTest extends AsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSPekkoAsyncTest
A trait that uses AsyncFlatSpec to execute tests This is different than BitcoinsBaseAsyncTest in the sense that it extends AsyncFlatSpec.
A trait that uses AsyncFlatSpec to execute tests This is different than BitcoinsBaseAsyncTest in the sense that it extends AsyncFlatSpec. Some test cases in bitcoin-s we want to provide fixtures, which means that suite needs to extend FixtureAsyncFlatSpec to be able to use that fixture
This test trait should be used for async tests that do NOT use a fixture.
- trait BitcoinSPekkoAsyncTest extends BaseAsyncTest with BitcoinSLogger
A bitcoin-s async test trait, that uses akka's actor system execution context to run the scalatest test suites
- trait BitcoindRpcBaseTest extends BitcoinSLogger
- abstract class BitcoindRpcTest extends AsyncFlatSpec with BitcoinSAsyncTest with BitcoindRpcBaseTest
- case class BitcoindRpcTestClient(binary: Path, version: BitcoindVersion)(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends RpcBinaryUtil[BitcoindRpcClient] with Product with Serializable
Helper class to start a bitcoind client with the given binary
- case class EclairRpcTestClient(binary: Path, bitcoindRpcClientOpt: Option[BitcoindRpcClient])(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends RpcBinaryUtil[EclairRpcClient] with Product with Serializable
Helper class to start a eclair client with the given binary
- trait PekkoUtil extends AnyRef
- trait RpcBinaryUtil[T] extends StartStopAsync[T] with BitcoinSLogger
A utility trait for handling binaries like bitcoind/eclair.
A utility trait for handling binaries like bitcoind/eclair. All common utility methods should go in this trait
- trait SbtBinaryFactory extends AnyRef
Value Members
- object BitcoindRpcTestClient extends SbtBinaryFactory with Serializable
- object BytesUtil
- object EclairRpcTestClient extends SbtBinaryFactory with Serializable
- object FileUtil extends BitcoinSLogger
- object PekkoUtil extends PekkoUtil
- object ScalaTestUtil
Helper methods for working with the scalatest testing framewrok
Helper methods for working with the scalatest testing framewrok
- See also
- object TestkitBinaries
- object TorUtil extends BitcoinSLogger