
package fee

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. sealed abstract class BitcoinFeeUnit extends FeeUnit

    Meant to represent the different fee unit types for the bitcoin protocol

    Meant to represent the different fee unit types for the bitcoin protocol

    See also

  2. sealed abstract class FeeUnit extends AnyRef

    This is meant to be an abstract type that represents different fee unit measurements for blockchains

  3. trait FeeUnitFactory[+T <: FeeUnit] extends AnyRef
  4. case class SatoshisPerByte(currencyUnit: CurrencyUnit) extends BitcoinFeeUnit with Product with Serializable
  5. case class SatoshisPerKW(currencyUnit: CurrencyUnit) extends BitcoinFeeUnit with Product with Serializable

    Weight is used to indicate how 'expensive' the transaction is on the blockchain.

    Weight is used to indicate how 'expensive' the transaction is on the blockchain. This use to be a simple calculation before segwit (BIP141). Each byte in the transaction counted as 4 'weight' units. Now with segwit, the TransactionWitness is counted as 1 weight unit per byte, while other parts of the transaction (outputs, inputs, locktime etc) count as 4 weight units. As we add more witness versions, this may be subject to change. BIP 141

  6. case class SatoshisPerKiloByte(currencyUnit: CurrencyUnit) extends BitcoinFeeUnit with Product with Serializable

    KiloBytes here are defined as 1000 bytes.

  7. case class SatoshisPerVirtualByte(currencyUnit: CurrencyUnit) extends BitcoinFeeUnit with Product with Serializable

    A 'virtual byte' (also known as virtual size) is a new weight measurement that was created with segregated witness (BIP141).

    A 'virtual byte' (also known as virtual size) is a new weight measurement that was created with segregated witness (BIP141). Now 1 'virtual byte' has the weight of 4 bytes in the org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.TransactionWitness of a org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.WitnessTransaction
