
object CETCalculator

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. CETCalculator
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. case class CETOutcome(digits: Digits, payout: Satoshis) extends Product with Serializable

    A Vector of digits and the payout corresponding to this result

  2. sealed trait CETRange extends AnyRef

    Given a range and a payout function with which to build CETs, the first step is to split the range into sub-ranges which can be compressed or cannot be compressed, represented here as CETRanges.

    Given a range and a payout function with which to build CETs, the first step is to split the range into sub-ranges which can be compressed or cannot be compressed, represented here as CETRanges.

    These ranges are inclusive in both indices.

  3. case class ConstantPayoutRange(indexFrom: Long, indexTo: Long) extends CETRange with Product with Serializable

    This range contains some constant payout between 0 and totalCollateral (exclusive).

    This range contains some constant payout between 0 and totalCollateral (exclusive). To be clear, indexFrom and indexTo are still inclusive values.

  4. type Digits = Vector[Int]

    A Vector of digits in a given base.

    A Vector of digits in a given base.

    For example if we are using base 2 (binary) This could look like Vector(0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0)

    or if we are using base 16 (hex) Vector(9,8,10,11,2,3,2,4,1,15)

  5. type MultiOracleDigits = Vector[Digits]

    A Vector of Digits corresponding to each oracle in order

  6. case class MultiOracleOutcome(multiOracleDigits: MultiOracleDigits, payout: Satoshis) extends Product with Serializable

    A Vector of MultiOracleDigits and the payout corresponding to this result

  7. case class SingletonPayoutRange(index: Long) extends CETRange with Product with Serializable

    A CETRange with a single element range

  8. case class VariablePayoutRange(indexFrom: Long, indexTo: Long) extends CETRange with Product with Serializable

    This range contains payouts that all vary at every step and cannot be compressed

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  5. def backGroupings(digits: Digits, base: Int): Vector[Digits]

    Computes the back groupings in the CETCompression (with endpoint optimization but without total optimization).

    Computes the back groupings in the CETCompression (with endpoint optimization but without total optimization). This means the resulting outcomes cover [(prefix, digits[0], 0, ..., 0), end].


    The unique digits of the range's end


    The base the digits are represented in

  6. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  7. def combinations[T](oracles: Vector[T], threshold: Int): Vector[Vector[T]]

    Computes all combinations of threshold oracles, preserving order.

  8. def computeCETIntervalBinary(cet: Digits, numDigits: Int): (Long, Long)

    Given binary digits corresponding to a CET, returns the CET's support bounds

  9. def computeCETs(base: Int, numDigits: Int, function: DLCPayoutCurve, totalCollateral: Satoshis, rounding: RoundingIntervals): Vector[CETOutcome]

    Computes the compressed set of outcomes and their corresponding payouts given a base, the number of digits to be signed, the payout function, and totalCollateral.

  10. def computeCETs(base: Int, numDigits: Int, function: DLCPayoutCurve, totalCollateral: Satoshis, rounding: RoundingIntervals, min: Long, max: Long): Vector[CETOutcome]

    Computes the compressed set of outcomes and their corresponding payouts given a base, the number of digits to be signed, the payout function, totalCollateral and the range of outcomes to construct CETs for, [min, max].

  11. def computeCoveringCETsBinary(numDigits: Int, cetDigits: Digits, maxErrorExp: Int, minFailExp: Int, maximizeCoverage: Boolean, numOracles: Int): Vector[MultiOracleDigits]

    Given the primary oracle's CET, computes the set of CETs needed for two oracles with an allowed difference (which is bounded).

    Given the primary oracle's CET, computes the set of CETs needed for two oracles with an allowed difference (which is bounded).


    The number of binary digits signed by the oracles


    Digits corresponding to a CET for the primary oracle


    The exponent (of 2) representing the difference at which non-support (failure) is guaranteed


    The exponent (of 2) representing the difference up to which support is guaranteed

  12. def computeMultiOracleCETsBinary(numDigits: Int, function: DLCPayoutCurve, totalCollateral: Satoshis, rounding: RoundingIntervals, maxErrorExp: Int, minFailExp: Int, maximizeCoverage: Boolean, numOracles: Int): Vector[MultiOracleOutcome]

    Computes the set of CETs needed for numOracles oracles with an allowed difference (which is bounded).

    Computes the set of CETs needed for numOracles oracles with an allowed difference (which is bounded).


    The number of binary digits signed by the oracles


    The DLCPayoutCurve to use with primary oracles


    The funding output's value (ignoring fees)


    The rounding intervals to use when computing CETs


    The exponent (of 2) representing the difference at which non-support (failure) is guaranteed


    The exponent (of 2) representing the difference up to which support is guaranteed


    The flag that determines whether CETs used in the non-middle small case are maximal or minimal in size


    The total number of oracles (including primary) needed for execution

  13. def computeMultiOracleCETsBinary(numDigits: Int, primaryCETs: Vector[CETOutcome], maxErrorExp: Int, minFailExp: Int, maximizeCoverage: Boolean, numOracles: Int): Vector[MultiOracleOutcome]

    Given the primary oracle's CETs, computes the set of CETs needed for n oracles with an allowed difference (which is bounded).

    Given the primary oracle's CETs, computes the set of CETs needed for n oracles with an allowed difference (which is bounded).


    The number of binary digits signed by the oracles


    CETs corresponding to the primary oracle


    The exponent (of 2) representing the difference at which non-support (failure) is guaranteed


    The exponent (of 2) representing the difference up to which support is guaranteed


    The flag that determines whether CETs used in the non-middle small case are maximal or minimal in size


    The total number of oracles (including primary) needed for execution

  14. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  15. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  16. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  17. def frontGroupings(digits: Digits, base: Int): Vector[Digits]

    Computes the front groupings in the CETCompression (with endpoint optimization but without total optimization).

    Computes the front groupings in the CETCompression (with endpoint optimization but without total optimization). This means the resulting outcomes cover [start, (prefix, digits[0], base-1, ..., base-1)].


    The unique digits of the range's start


    The base the digits are represented in

  18. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  19. def groupByIgnoringDigits(start: Long, end: Long, base: Int, numDigits: Int): Vector[Digits]

    Runs the compression algorithm with all optimizations on the interval [start, end] represented in the given base.

  20. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  21. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  22. def lineApprox(func: (Long) => Long, numDigits: Int, interval: Int): DLCPayoutCurve
  23. def middleGrouping(firstDigitStart: Int, firstDigitEnd: Int): Vector[Digits]

    Computes the middle groupings in the CETCompression (without total optimization).

    Computes the middle groupings in the CETCompression (without total optimization). This means the resulting outcomes cover [(prefix, firstDigitStart + 1, 0, ..., 0), (prefix, firstDigitEnd-1, base-1, ..., base-1)].


    The first unique digit of the range's start


    The first unique digit of the range's end

  24. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  25. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  26. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  27. def numToVec(num: Long, numDigits: Int, ignoredDigits: Int): Digits

    Given the left endpoint of a CET and the number of ignored digits, computes the binary digits for the CET.

  28. def payoutSample(func: (Long) => Long, numDigits: Int, numPoints: Long): Vector[PiecewisePolynomialEndpoint]
  29. def payoutSampleByInterval(func: (Long) => Long, numDigits: Int, interval: Int): Vector[PiecewisePolynomialEndpoint]
  30. def searchForNumericOutcome(digits: Digits, outcomes: Vector[DLCOutcomeType]): Option[UnsignedNumericOutcome]

    Searches for an UnsignedNumericOutcome corresponding to (prefixing) digits.

    Searches for an UnsignedNumericOutcome corresponding to (prefixing) digits. Assumes outcomes is ordered.

  31. def searchForPrefix[Outcome](digits: Digits, outcomes: Vector[Outcome])(outcomeToPrefix: (Outcome) => Digits): Option[Outcome]

    Searches for an outcome which contains a prefix of digits

  32. def separatePrefix(start: Long, end: Long, base: Int, numDigits: Int): (Digits, Digits, Digits)

    Splits off the shared prefix of start and end represented in the given base and returns the shared prefix and the unique digits of start and of end.

  33. def splitIntoRanges(from: Long, to: Long, totalCollateral: Satoshis, function: DLCPayoutCurve, rounding: RoundingIntervals): Vector[CETRange]

    Goes between from and to (inclusive) and evaluates function to split the interval [to, from] into CETRanges.

  34. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  35. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  36. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  37. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  38. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
