
case class LndRpcClient(instance: LndInstance, binaryOpt: Option[File] = None)(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends NativeProcessFactory with LndUtils with LndRouterClient with StartStopAsync[LndRpcClient] with BitcoinSLogger with Product with Serializable

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. LndRpcClient
  2. Serializable
  3. Product
  4. Equals
  5. StartStopAsync
  6. StartStop
  7. LndRouterClient
  8. LndUtils
  9. NativeProcessFactory
  10. BitcoinSLogger
  11. AnyRef
  12. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new LndRpcClient(instance: LndInstance, binaryOpt: Option[File] = None)(implicit system: ActorSystem)


    Path to lnd executable

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. implicit def LndTransactionToTxDetails(details: Transaction): TxDetails
    Definition Classes
  5. def abandonChannel(request: AbandonChannelRequest): Future[Unit]
  6. def abandonChannel(outPoint: TransactionOutPoint, pendingFundingShimOnly: Boolean): Future[Unit]
  7. def addInvoice(invoice: Invoice): Future[AddInvoiceResult]
  8. def addInvoice(descriptionHash: Sha256Digest, value: MilliSatoshis, expiry: Long): Future[AddInvoiceResult]
  9. def addInvoice(memo: String, value: MilliSatoshis, expiry: Long): Future[AddInvoiceResult]
  10. def addInvoice(descriptionHash: Sha256Digest, value: Satoshis, expiry: Long): Future[AddInvoiceResult]
  11. def addInvoice(memo: String, value: Satoshis, expiry: Long): Future[AddInvoiceResult]
  12. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  13. def attemptToPayRoutes(invoice: LnInvoice, routes: Vector[Route]): Future[Option[HTLCAttempt]]
    Definition Classes
  14. val binaryOpt: Option[File]
  15. implicit def byteStringToByteVec(byteString: ByteString): ByteVector
    Definition Classes
  16. implicit def byteStringVecToByteVecs(byteStrings: Vector[ByteString]): Vector[ByteVector]
    Definition Classes
  17. implicit def byteVecToByteString(byteVector: ByteVector): ByteString
    Definition Classes
  18. def cancelInvoice(hash: Sha256Digest): Future[Unit]
  19. def cancelInvoice(invoice: LnInvoice): Future[Unit]
  20. lazy val chainClient: ChainNotifierClient
  21. def channelBalance(): Future[ChannelBalances]
  22. implicit def channelPointToOutpoint(channelPoint: ChannelPoint): TransactionOutPoint
    Definition Classes
  23. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  24. def closeChannel(request: CloseChannelRequest): Future[DoubleSha256DigestBE]
  25. def closeChannel(outPoint: TransactionOutPoint): Future[DoubleSha256DigestBE]
  26. def closeChannel(outPoint: TransactionOutPoint, force: Boolean, feeRate: SatoshisPerVirtualByte): Future[DoubleSha256DigestBE]
  27. def cmd: Vector[String]

    The command to start the daemon on the underlying OS

    The command to start the daemon on the underlying OS

    Definition Classes
  28. def computeInputScript(request: SignReq): Future[Vector[(ScriptSignature, ScriptWitness)]]
  29. def computeInputScript(tx: Transaction, signDescriptors: Vector[SignDescriptor]): Future[Vector[(ScriptSignature, ScriptWitness)]]
  30. def computeInputScript(tx: Transaction, inputIdx: Int, output: TransactionOutput): Future[(ScriptSignature, ScriptWitness)]
  31. def computeInputScript(tx: Transaction, inputIdx: Int, output: TransactionOutput, signMethod: SignMethod): Future[(ScriptSignature, ScriptWitness)]
  32. def computeInputScript(tx: Transaction, inputIdx: Int, hashType: HashType, output: TransactionOutput, signMethod: SignMethod, prevOuts: Vector[TransactionOutput]): Future[(ScriptSignature, ScriptWitness)]
  33. def connectPeer(request: ConnectPeerRequest): Future[Unit]
  34. def connectPeer(nodeId: NodeId, addr: InetSocketAddress, permanent: Boolean): Future[Unit]
  35. def connectPeer(nodeId: NodeId, addr: InetSocketAddress): Future[Unit]
  36. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  37. implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext
    Definition Classes
  38. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  39. def finalizePSBT(request: FinalizePsbtRequest): Future[PSBT]
  40. def finalizePSBT(psbt: PSBT): Future[PSBT]
  41. def findChannel(chanId: ShortChannelId): Future[Option[Channel]]
  42. def findChannel(channelPoint: TransactionOutPoint): Future[Option[Channel]]
  43. def fundPSBT(request: FundPsbtRequest): Future[PSBT]
  44. def fundPSBT(psbt: PSBT, feeRate: SatoshisPerVirtualByte): Future[PSBT]
  45. def fundPSBT(psbt: PSBT, feeRate: SatoshisPerVirtualByte, spendUnconfirmed: Boolean): Future[PSBT]
  46. def fundPSBT(psbt: PSBT, feeRate: SatoshisPerVirtualByte, account: String, spendUnconfirmed: Boolean): Future[PSBT]
  47. def fundPSBT(inputs: Vector[TransactionOutPoint], outputs: Map[BitcoinAddress, CurrencyUnit], feeRate: SatoshisPerVirtualByte, account: String, spendUnconfirmed: Boolean): Future[PSBT]
  48. def fundPSBT(inputs: Vector[TransactionOutPoint], outputs: Map[BitcoinAddress, CurrencyUnit], feeRate: SatoshisPerVirtualByte, spendUnconfirmed: Boolean): Future[PSBT]
  49. def genSeed(): Future[GenSeedResponse]
  50. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  51. def getInfo: Future[GetInfoResponse]
  52. def getNewAddress(addressType: AddressType): Future[BitcoinAddress]
  53. def getNewAddress: Future[BitcoinAddress]
  54. def getTransaction(txId: DoubleSha256DigestBE): Future[Option[TxDetails]]
  55. def getTransactions(request: GetTransactionsRequest): Future[Vector[TxDetails]]
  56. def getTransactions(startHeight: Int, endHeight: Int): Future[Vector[TxDetails]]
  57. def getTransactions(startHeight: Int): Future[Vector[TxDetails]]
  58. def getTransactions(): Future[Vector[TxDetails]]
  59. def getVersion(): Future[Version]
  60. def initWallet(password: String): Future[ByteString]
  61. val instance: LndInstance
  62. lazy val invoices: InvoicesClient
  63. def isAlive(): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  64. def isConnected(nodeId: NodeId): Future[Boolean]
  65. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  66. def isStarted: Future[Boolean]

    Boolean check to verify the state of the client

    Boolean check to verify the state of the client


    Future Boolean representing if client has started

  67. def isStopped: Future[Boolean]

    Checks to see if the client stopped successfully

  68. def leaseOutput(request: LeaseOutputRequest): Future[UInt64]

    LeaseOutput locks an output to the given ID, preventing it from being available for any future coin selection attempts.

    LeaseOutput locks an output to the given ID, preventing it from being available for any future coin selection attempts. The absolute time of the lock's expiration is returned. The expiration of the lock can be extended by successive invocations of this RPC.




    Unix timestamp for when the lease expires

  69. def leaseOutput(outpoint: TransactionOutPoint, leaseSeconds: Long): Future[UInt64]
  70. def listChannels(request: ListChannelsRequest = ListChannelsRequest()): Future[Vector[Channel]]
  71. def listLeases(request: ListLeasesRequest): Future[Vector[UTXOLease]]
  72. def listLeases(): Future[Vector[UTXOLease]]
  73. def listPeers(): Future[Vector[Peer]]
  74. def listPendingChannels(): Future[PendingChannelsResponse]
  75. def listUnspent(request: ListUnspentRequest): Future[Vector[UTXOResult]]
  76. def listUnspent: Future[Vector[UTXOResult]]
  77. lazy val lnd: LightningClient
  78. implicit def lndOutputDetailToOutputDetails(detail: OutputDetail): OutputDetails
    Definition Classes
  79. def logger: Logger
    Definition Classes
  80. def lookupInvoice(req: LookupInvoiceMsg): Future[Invoice]
  81. def lookupInvoice(rHash: PaymentHashTag): Future[Invoice]
  82. def monitorInvoice(rHash: PaymentHashTag, interval: FiniteDuration = 1.second, maxAttempts: Int = 60): Future[Invoice]
  83. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  84. def nodeId: Future[NodeId]
  85. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  86. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  87. def openChannel(request: OpenChannelRequest): Future[Option[TransactionOutPoint]]
  88. def openChannel(nodeId: NodeId, fundingAmount: CurrencyUnit, pushAmt: CurrencyUnit, satPerVByte: SatoshisPerVirtualByte, privateChannel: Boolean): Future[Option[TransactionOutPoint]]
  89. def openChannel(nodeId: NodeId, fundingAmount: CurrencyUnit, satPerVByte: SatoshisPerVirtualByte, privateChannel: Boolean): Future[Option[TransactionOutPoint]]
  90. implicit def outPointToChannelPoint(outPoint: TransactionOutPoint): ChannelPoint
    Definition Classes
  91. implicit def outpointToTxOutPoint(op: OutPoint): TransactionOutPoint
    Definition Classes
  92. implicit def outpointVecToTxOutPointVec(ops: Vector[OutPoint]): Vector[TransactionOutPoint]
    Definition Classes
  93. implicit def outputToTxOut(output: TransactionOutput): TxOut
    Definition Classes
  94. implicit def outputVecToTxOuts(outputs: Vector[TransactionOutput]): Vector[TxOut]
    Definition Classes
  95. lazy val peersClient: PeersClient
  96. def probe(amount: Satoshis, node: NodeId, routeHints: Vector[LnRoute]): Future[Vector[Route]]
    Definition Classes
  97. def probe(invoice: LnInvoice): Future[Vector[Route]]
    Definition Classes
  98. def probeAndPay(invoice: LnInvoice): Future[Option[HTLCAttempt]]
    Definition Classes
  99. def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
    Definition Classes
  100. def publishTransaction(tx: Transaction): Future[Option[String]]

    Broadcasts the given transaction

    Broadcasts the given transaction


    None if no error, otherwise the error string

  101. def queryRoutes(request: QueryRoutesRequest): Future[QueryRoutesResponse]
    Definition Classes
  102. def queryRoutes(amount: CurrencyUnit, node: NodeId, routeHints: Vector[LnRoute]): Future[QueryRoutesResponse]
    Definition Classes
  103. def registerConfirmationsNotification(request: ConfRequest): Source[ConfEvent, NotUsed]
  104. def releaseOutput(request: ReleaseOutputRequest): Future[Unit]
  105. def releaseOutput(outpoint: TransactionOutPoint): Future[Unit]
  106. lazy val router: RouterClient
  107. def sendCustomMessage(request: SendCustomMessageRequest): Future[Unit]
  108. def sendCustomMessage(peer: NodeId, tpe: BigSizeUInt, data: ByteVector): Future[Unit]
  109. def sendCustomMessage(peer: NodeId, tlv: TLV): Future[Unit]
  110. def sendCustomMessage(peer: NodeId, lnMessage: LnMessage[TLV]): Future[Unit]
  111. def sendOutputs(request: SendOutputsRequest): Future[Transaction]
  112. def sendOutputs(outputs: Vector[TransactionOutput], feeRate: SatoshisPerKW, spendUnconfirmed: Boolean): Future[Transaction]
  113. def sendOutputs(outputs: Vector[TransactionOutput], feeRate: SatoshisPerVirtualByte, spendUnconfirmed: Boolean): Future[Transaction]
  114. def sendPayment(request: SendPaymentRequest): Future[Payment]
  115. def sendPayment(nodeId: NodeId, amount: CurrencyUnit, timeout: FiniteDuration): Future[Payment]
  116. def sendPayment(invoice: LnInvoice, feeLimit: Satoshis, timeout: FiniteDuration): Future[Payment]
  117. def sendPayment(invoice: LnInvoice, timeout: FiniteDuration): Future[Payment]
  118. def sendToRoute(paymentHash: Sha256Digest, route: Route, secretOpt: Option[PaymentSecret]): Future[HTLCAttempt]
    Definition Classes
  119. def sendToRoute(invoice: LnInvoice, route: Route): Future[HTLCAttempt]
    Definition Classes
  120. def sendToRoute(request: SendToRouteRequest): Future[HTLCAttempt]
    Definition Classes
  121. def sendToRoute(hash: Sha256Digest, route: Route): Future[HTLCAttempt]
    Definition Classes
  122. def signPSBT(request: SignPsbtRequest): Future[PSBT]
  123. def signPSBT(psbt: PSBT): Future[PSBT]
  124. lazy val signer: SignerClient
  125. def start(): Future[LndRpcClient]

    Starts lnd on the local system.

    Starts lnd on the local system.

    Definition Classes
  126. def startBinary(): Future[Unit]

    Starts the binary by spinning up a new process

    Starts the binary by spinning up a new process

    Definition Classes
  127. lazy val stateClient: StateClient
  128. def stop(): Future[LndRpcClient]

    Returns a Future LndRpcClient if able to shut down Lnd instance, inherits from the StartStop trait

    Returns a Future LndRpcClient if able to shut down Lnd instance, inherits from the StartStop trait


    A future LndRpcClient that is stopped

    Definition Classes
  129. def stopBinary(): Future[Unit]

    Stops the binary by destroying the underlying operating system process

    Stops the binary by destroying the underlying operating system process

    If the client is a remote client (not started on the host operating system) this method is a no-op

    Definition Classes
  130. def subscribeChannelBackups(): Source[ChanBackupSnapshot, NotUsed]
  131. def subscribeChannelEvents(): Source[ChannelEventUpdate, NotUsed]
  132. def subscribeChannelGraph(): Source[GraphTopologyUpdate, NotUsed]
  133. def subscribeCustomMessages(): Source[(NodeId, TLV), NotUsed]
  134. def subscribeInvoices(): Source[Invoice, NotUsed]
  135. def subscribePeerEvents(): Source[PeerEvent, NotUsed]
  136. def subscribeTransactions(): Source[TxDetails, NotUsed]
  137. def subscribeTxConfirmation(txId: DoubleSha256Digest, script: ScriptPubKey, requiredConfs: Int, heightHint: Int): Future[ConfDetails]
  138. def subscribeTxConfirmation(script: ScriptPubKey, requiredConfs: Int, heightHint: Int): Future[ConfDetails]
  139. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  140. implicit val system: ActorSystem
  141. implicit def txOutToTxOutput(txOut: TxOut): TransactionOutput
    Definition Classes
  142. implicit def txOutpointToOutpoint(outpoint: TransactionOutPoint): OutPoint
    Definition Classes
  143. implicit def txOutpointToOutpointVec(ops: Vector[TransactionOutPoint]): Vector[OutPoint]
    Definition Classes
  144. implicit val uint32Mapper: TypeMapper[Int, UInt32]
    Definition Classes
  145. implicit val uint64Mapper: TypeMapper[Long, UInt64]
    Definition Classes
  146. def unlockWallet(password: String): Future[Unit]
  147. lazy val unlocker: WalletUnlockerClient
  148. lazy val versionerClient: VersionerClient
  149. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  150. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  151. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  152. lazy val wallet: WalletKitClient
  153. def walletBalance(): Future[WalletBalances]

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from Product

Inherited from Equals

Inherited from StartStop[Future[LndRpcClient]]

Inherited from LndRouterClient

Inherited from LndUtils

Inherited from NativeProcessFactory

Inherited from BitcoinSLogger

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
