package wallet
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- trait AccountHandlingApi extends AnyRef
- sealed trait AddUtxoError extends Error with AddUtxoResult
Represents an error that might occur when adding an UTXO to the wallet
- sealed trait AddUtxoResult extends AnyRef
- case class AddUtxoSuccess(spendingInfo: SpendingInfoDb) extends AddUtxoResult with Product with Serializable
Contains the freshly added UTXO
- trait AddressHandlingApi extends AnyRef
- case class AddressInfo(pubkey: ECPublicKey, network: NetworkParameters, path: HDPath) extends Product with Serializable
This class represents the result of querying for address info from our wallet
- case class BlockSyncState(height: Int, blockHash: DoubleSha256DigestBE) extends Product with Serializable
- sealed abstract class CoinSelectionAlgo extends AnyRef
Represents the various ways the wallet can do coin selection
- trait CoinSelector extends AnyRef
Implements algorithms for selecting from a UTXO set to spend to an output set at a given fee rate.
- case class CoinSelectorUtxo(prevOut: TransactionOutput, outPoint: TransactionOutPoint, redeemScriptOpt: Option[ScriptPubKey], scriptWitnessOpt: Option[ScriptWitness]) extends Product with Serializable
- trait FundTransactionHandlingApi extends AnyRef
- trait NeutrinoHDWalletApi extends WalletApi with NeutrinoWalletApi
An HDWallet that uses Neutrino to sync
- trait NeutrinoWalletApi extends AnyRef
- case class ProcessTxResult(updatedIncoming: Vector[SpendingInfoDb], updatedOutgoing: Vector[SpendingInfoDb]) extends Product with Serializable
- case class RescanDescriptor(rescanning: Boolean) extends WalletStateDescriptor with Product with Serializable
- trait RescanHandlingApi extends AnyRef
- trait SendFundsHandlingApi extends AnyRef
- case class SyncHeightDescriptor(bestHash: DoubleSha256DigestBE, height: Int) extends WalletStateDescriptor with Product with Serializable
- trait TransactionProcessingApi extends AnyRef
- trait UtxoHandlingApi extends AnyRef
- trait WalletApi extends AnyRef
API for the wallet project.
API for the wallet project.
This wallet API is BIP44 compliant.
- See also
- case class WalletInfo(walletName: String, rootXpub: ExtPublicKey, xpub: ExtPublicKey, hdAccount: HDAccount, height: Int, blockHash: DoubleSha256DigestBE, rescan: Boolean, imported: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
- sealed abstract class WalletStateDescriptor extends AnyRef
- sealed trait WalletStateDescriptorFactory[T <: WalletStateDescriptor] extends StringFactory[T]
- sealed abstract class WalletStateDescriptorType extends AnyRef
Value Members
- object AddUtxoError extends Serializable
- object CoinSelectionAlgo extends StringFactory[CoinSelectionAlgo]
- object CoinSelector extends CoinSelector
- object CoinSelectorUtxo extends Serializable
- object NeutrinoWalletApi
- object RescanDescriptor extends WalletStateDescriptorFactory[RescanDescriptor] with Serializable
- object SyncHeightDescriptor extends WalletStateDescriptorFactory[SyncHeightDescriptor] with Serializable
- object WalletStateDescriptor extends StringFactory[WalletStateDescriptor]
- object WalletStateDescriptorType extends StringFactory[WalletStateDescriptorType]