
package wallet

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package db

Type Members

  1. sealed trait AddUtxoError extends Error with AddUtxoResult

    Represents an error that might occur when adding an UTXO to the wallet

  2. sealed trait AddUtxoResult extends AnyRef
  3. case class AddUtxoSuccess(spendingInfo: SpendingInfoDb) extends AddUtxoResult with Product with Serializable

    Contains the freshly added UTXO

  4. case class AddressInfo(pubkey: ECPublicKey, network: NetworkParameters, path: HDPath) extends Product with Serializable

    This class represents the result of querying for address info from our wallet

  5. case class BlockSyncState(height: Int, blockHash: DoubleSha256DigestBE) extends Product with Serializable
  6. sealed abstract class CoinSelectionAlgo extends AnyRef

    Represents the various ways the wallet can do coin selection

  7. trait CoinSelector extends AnyRef

    Implements algorithms for selecting from a UTXO set to spend to an output set at a given fee rate.

  8. case class CoinSelectorUtxo(prevOut: TransactionOutput, outPoint: TransactionOutPoint, redeemScriptOpt: Option[ScriptPubKey], scriptWitnessOpt: Option[ScriptWitness]) extends Product with Serializable
  9. trait HDWalletApi extends WalletApi

    API for the wallet project.

    API for the wallet project.

    This wallet API is BIP44 compliant.

    See also


  10. trait NeutrinoHDWalletApi extends HDWalletApi with NeutrinoWalletApi

    An HDWallet that uses Neutrino to sync

  11. trait NeutrinoWalletApi extends AnyRef
  12. case class ProcessTxResult(updatedIncoming: Vector[SpendingInfoDb], updatedOutgoing: Vector[SpendingInfoDb]) extends Product with Serializable
  13. case class RescanDescriptor(rescanning: Boolean) extends WalletStateDescriptor with Product with Serializable
  14. case class SyncHeightDescriptor(bestHash: DoubleSha256DigestBE, height: Int) extends WalletStateDescriptor with Product with Serializable
  15. trait UtxoHandlingApi extends AnyRef
  16. trait WalletApi extends StartStopAsync[WalletApi]

    API for the wallet project.

    API for the wallet project.

    This wallet API is BIP44 compliant.

    See also


  17. case class WalletInfo(walletName: String, rootXpub: ExtPublicKey, xpub: ExtPublicKey, hdAccount: HDAccount, height: Int, blockHash: DoubleSha256DigestBE, rescan: Boolean, imported: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
  18. sealed abstract class WalletStateDescriptor extends AnyRef
  19. sealed trait WalletStateDescriptorFactory[T <: WalletStateDescriptor] extends StringFactory[T]
  20. sealed abstract class WalletStateDescriptorType extends AnyRef
