
package db

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. case class EventDb(nonce: SchnorrNonce, pubkey: SchnorrPublicKey, nonceIndex: Int, eventName: String, numOutcomes: Long, signingVersion: SigningVersion, maturationTime: Instant, attestationOpt: Option[FieldElement], outcomeOpt: Option[String], announcementSignature: SchnorrDigitalSignature, eventDescriptorTLV: EventDescriptorTLV) extends Product with Serializable

    These represent individual events at the nonce level You can aggregate 1 to n EventDbs into an OracleEvent to get all of the information about a particular descriptor

    These represent individual events at the nonce level You can aggregate 1 to n EventDbs into an OracleEvent to get all of the information about a particular descriptor

    In the case of EnumEventDescriptorV0TLV there is only 1 EventDb that corresponds to the enum descriptor

    In the case of DigitDecompositionEventDescriptorV0TLV you have DigitDecompositionEventDescriptorV0TLV.numDigits with an optional +1 depending on if the digit decomposition event is for a signed number or not

  2. case class EventOutcomeDb(nonce: SchnorrNonce, message: String, hashedMessage: ByteVector) extends Product with Serializable
  3. case class RValueDb(nonce: SchnorrNonce, eventName: String, purpose: HDPurpose, accountCoin: HDCoinType, accountIndex: Int, chainType: Int, keyIndex: Int) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object EventOutcomeDbHelper
  2. object RValueDbHelper
